The picture above is Josh and his good friend Jared who also joined. They all look sooooooooooooooo young.
This is a picture of him and his recruiter just before they got on the shuttle to go to airport.

This was taken the night before while we were having dinner. He wanted to have his last steak dinner. :)
This is at the airport, having to say good bye was very hard. And this is Josh sending his last text. They are not allowed to take their phones, oh the withdrawal they will all have. LOL
Josh will graduate in October and of course the whole family will be there in CA. Again we are sooooooooooooooo Proud of him and can't wait to see him again.
Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful day and upcoming weekend. I'll be back early next week with some new recipes.
Remember to Find the Time to Do All the Things YOU LOVE.

Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful day and upcoming weekend. I'll be back early next week with some new recipes.
Remember to Find the Time to Do All the Things YOU LOVE.