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Monday, January 29, 2018

Quick Cranberry Muffins

I have a freezer full of cranberries that I bought around Thanksgiving time and decided that i  I really need to start using them.  This is the same recipe I used for the blueberry muffins.  A very versatile go to recipe.

1 1/2 cups (all-purpose flour
3/4 cup granulated sugar, plus 1 tablespoon for muffin tops
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 large egg
1/3 – 1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
6 to 8 ounces fresh or frozen cranberries (cooked down with sugar)
  1. Preheat oven to 400º F
  2. In a small sauce pan cook cranberries with about 1/2 cup sugar and 1/3 sup water.  Cook until broken apart and slightly thick.  Set aside to cool
  3. In a large bowl whisk flour, sugar, baking powder and salt,
  4. Use a measuring cup that holds at least 1 cup and add vegetable oil, egg and then fill the cup to the 1-cup line with milk (about 1/3 to a 1/2 cup of milk). Add vanilla and whisk until combined.  Fold in blueberries, don't overmix.  Fill muffin lined muffin tins and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden.

thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful week and Always Remember to Find the time to do ALL the things You L♥ve.

Monday, January 15, 2018

skillet pizza

My daughter posted this recipe to my FB and asked if I would make it for dinner.  Well of course we comply.  I used my pizza dough recipe, which I perfected a while back and it's my go to.  This turned out exceptional and will make it again.  It is a doughy pizza so if you like the normal crust you may not like this.  But try it anyway and you decide.  Was a big hit.  I made this with Italian sausage, orange peppers, onions and basil.

 high-gluten flour bread flour, about 2 3/4 cups
1/2 cup semolina flour
1teaspoons kosher salt 3/8 of an ounce or .35 ounces
1 pkg yeast
1 1/2  cup warm water
2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp evo

your favorite suace
your choice of toppings

Optional but tasty:

  • fresh basil leaves for adding before and after baking


Preheat oven about 45 minutes before making pizza to 500° or as high as your oven will go.

Put yeast and sugar in warm water, stir and let sit unitl foams

  1. put flour and other dry ingredients into food processor.  pulse several times.  add evo and then slowly add wet mixture.  process until it forms a ball.  If you need to add more flour do a little at a time, you don't want it get to dry.  A little on the wet side is ok.
form a ball with dough and place is a slightly greased bowl and cover and let sit unitl double, takes about 1 hour.

Slightly grease the bottom of your iron skillet (don't over do you don't want your pizza soggy from the oil. Sprinkle bottom with a little bit of corn meal, take 1/2 the dough and spread it out in the pan until it reaches the sides.  Cover with plastic wrap and set aside at room temp for about 2 hours.

Spread a little sauce on bottom of pizza then put your favorite ingredients on top and then top with mozzarella cheese  (it's also good with a mixture of mozzarella and provolone)  Bake for about 15 minutes until golden.  Remove and let set for a couple of minutes.  If you can remove from pan and put into serving pieces.  Best of all Enjoy!!!!

Thanks for stopping by, have a great week and Always Remember to Find the Time to DO all the things You L♥ve.
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