Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Zucchini Sticks and Yummy Dipping Sauce

My daughter's mother in law posted a recipe she found on somewhere on FB the other day and thought I might want to try it but make the dipping sauce LC so it would fit into my style of eating these days.  This is a super easy recipe and I also made the coating for the zucchini sticks LC, so all around it was a win win recipe once it was adapted.  I really had no idea that zucchini was sooooooo low in carbs so guess I will try other recipes with it and see how much I like it.  Will be very honest I really have never had zucchini of any kind except in bread and you can't tell it's zucchini.  Oh I take that back, there is a restaurant here in town that sneaks small pieces of zucchini in salad and one day I asked the waitress what that one thing was (because I liked it  :)  ) and she told me it was zucchini.

When I made the dip I only made 1/2 the recipe because I was not sure I would like it and didn't want to waste a bunch of food.  I will put the 1/2 in red if you choose to make just that amount, do what's listed is for the full recipe.
The original recipe used honey as the sweetener so you can do that if you want, but it won't be LC.
Dipping sauce
1 medium onion, sliced  1 1 small onion, sliced
2 TBL cider vinegar           1 TBL cider vinegar
3 tsp. truvia                        1 1/2 tsp truvia *or other sweetener*
1 TBL prepared mustard    1 1/2 tsp prepared mustard.
1 TBL butter                       1 TBL butter
1 cup mayo                          Almost 1/2 cup of mayo and about 2 TBL sour cream to make 1/2 cup level.

In a skillet melt the butter and add the onions, cook them slowly until the are caramelized.  In a small food processor add the vinegar, sweetener, mustard and all of the onions and blend until almost smooth.  In a bowl put mayo/sour cream and then add the stuff from the food processor.  Mix well.  You can either use it then or put in fridge and chill. 

I used 1 medium sized zucchini and cut it into 1/4 inch slices, they looked like large french fries.  Put them in a strainer sprinkle salt over them and let them sit for about an hour.  It will release a lot of the water.   Drain and rinse.

1/2 cup almond flour
1 TBL coconut flour
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese *this time I used the stuff with the green lid*
1 - 2  tsp.  Italian seasoning
1 large egg, beat with a bit of water

Dip the zucchini pieces in the egg, then into the flour mixture, do this one at a time or you will have a mess.  Line a cooking sheet with parchment paper and spray with olive oil.  Place them on sheet and bake in 425 ° for 12  minutes, they will start to brown, turn them over and continue to cook till they are all golden brown, about another 12 minutes.    Enjoy!
Thanks for taking time from your busy day to stop by.  Have a great week and Remember to Find the Time to Do ALL the Things YOU L♥ve.

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